Couples therapy and relationships
Our whole life consists of relationships: with our parents, our siblings, our friends, our teachers, our collegues, our boss – and our partner.
Working with couples is a large part of my work. Couples who consult me are not always already dealing with a large crisis, facing a seperation. Some are just aware that they are not feeling comfortable anymore, noticing a mounting irritability with their partner. Addressed, these can be resolved and the relationship can go back to being a happy one.
All of us have to learn to deal respectfully and apppropriately with our partner. What do we do if we feel not seen, not appreciated? Where do we sabotage ourselves? These questions are being addressed in couples therapy.
Our whole life consists of relationships: with our parents, our siblings, our friends, our teachers, our collegues, our boss – and our partner.
Relationship-patterns are learned in early childhood. We tend to repeat these patterns in our adult life until we reach a certain point at which they don‘t seem to work anymore. We become unhappy, unfulfilled, angry. Unfortunately these patterns are mostly unconscious. In our sessions we shed light on them and change them where necessary.
Together we discover possibilities for change, and develop tools to lead a satisfying relationship and to avoid the old traps. We also learn to be more patient with ourselves and our partner.